List of Working GTA 5 cheat codes on Xbox, PC, PS4 and PS5 in 2023


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For those eagerly anticipating the GTA 6 trailer reveal and pre-order announcement and are in search of a way to pass the time, why not embark on another playthrough of Grand Theft Auto 5? You can check on Rockstar’s assortment of GTA 5 cheat codes that will add an extra layer of thrill to the open-world crime experience, presenting a variety of options from spawning vehicles to escalating your wanted level.

Despite its decade-old status, the game has aged gracefully, particularly with its numerous refined ports. GTA 5 cheat codes cater to both newcomers and seasoned players, allowing the spawning of weapons, armor, vehicles, and character buffs. Whether you’re venturing on your initial playthrough or the 100th, cheat codes inject a refreshing twist as you navigate the bustling city.

Whether you’re looking to breeze through the campaign with invincibility cheats, create chaos with exploding bullets, or deftly pilot a military helicopter, these tools are readily available, promising an exhilarating gaming experience. And if the need arises, evading law enforcement is just a few buttons presses away.

If you’re craving a fresh experience in San Andreas, you’re in the right place. Below, we present the complete list of GTA 5 cheats, offering an opportunity to conquer challenging aspects of the game or simply enjoy helicopter exploration across the stunning map. These codes are universally applicable, ensuring an enhanced experience on any gaming platform.

Working GTA 5 cheat codes

If you’re pressed for time, here’s a quick overview of the essential GTA 5 cheats to cover your general needs. These cheats ensure a continuous supply of health, ammo, armor, and weapons, offering a convenient way to evade law enforcement when your adventures attract unwanted attention in Los Santos. Whether you’re demonstrating your unstoppable prowess or simply reveling in chaos, these cheats have got you covered.

Key GTA 5 cheat codes include those for health, ammo, and adjusting your wanted level. And, of course, don’t forget the parachute – an essential tool for unpredictable scenarios. Regardless of your gaming platform, these cheats can be activated by dialing specific numbers on your in-game phone.

For rapid reference, we’ve included a parachute cheat code – because you never know when it might be useful!

No matter the platform where you’re causing havoc, simply bring up your in-game phone and enter the provided number for your preferred cheat. These are the codes you’ll definitely want at your disposal:

Max Health and Armor1-999-837-853 (or 1-999-TURTLE)
All Weapons and Full Ammo1-999-866-587 (or 1-999-TOOLUP)
Lower Wanted Level1-999-5299-3787 (or 1-999-LAWYERUP)
Raise Wanted Level1-999-3844-8483 (or 1-999-FUGITIVE)
Parachute cheat1-999-759-3483 (or 1-999-SKYDIVE)

How to use GTA 5 cheat codes?

Inputting GTA 5 cheats is a straightforward process, even for those new to the system. On PS5 and Xbox Series X, it’s simply a matter of pressing a series of buttons, while PC users can effortlessly press a key and type a specific word. Importantly, for those who haven’t upgraded to a new console, GTA 5 cheats seamlessly function on PS4 and Xbox One.

Most GTA games typically allow players to input cheat codes while their character is in motion; however, GTA 5 introduces a few variations to this traditional formula. Depending on the platform you’re using, here’s how you can utilize GTA 5 cheat codes on different platforms:

Xbox, PC, or PlayStation:

  • Input the code on your controller at any time while you’re exploring the game world.


  • Press a designated keyboard button (¬ in the UK or ~ in the USA) and then type in the cheat code on your keyboard.

Xbox, PC, or PlayStation (Alternative):

  • Enter cheat codes on the in-game phone. Press up on your D-pad to bring up the phone, then input the special code.

If you’re utilizing a gamepad, you have the flexibility to enable any desired cheat by using the associated button combination. Alternatively, regardless of the gaming system you’re on, you can use your in-game phone to dial the specific phone number for any cheat.

GTA V cheats for PS4 and PS5

If you’re considering using cheat codes for GTA 5 on the PS3, PS4, or PS5, it’s crucial to understand that doing so may come with consequences, impacting your ability to earn achievements and affecting your overall game progress. Keep in mind that some games, Grand Theft Auto V included, may implement measures to discourage or penalize cheating.

If you’re playing the game for personal enjoyment in a single-player mode and are fully aware of the potential consequences, cheat codes can usually be activated by entering specific combinations on your controller. However, it’s essential to use cheat codes responsibly and adhere to the game’s terms of service.

GTA CheatEffectPS Cheat Code
Lower wanted levelResets wanted level to zeroR1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT
Raise wanted levelRaises wanted level by one starR1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Full health and armorGrants full health and armorCIRCLE, L1, TRIANGLE, R2, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE, RIGHT, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1
ParachuteGrants a parachute that can be used onceLEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, L1
Unlock all weapons and ammoGrants all weapons and ammo to the playerTRIANGLE, R2, LEFT, L1, X, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1
Full special ability meterGrants a full special sbility meterX, X, SQUARE, R1, L1, X, RIGHT, LEFT, X
Max running speedActivates maximum running speedTRIANGLE, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, L2, L1, SQUARE
Max swimming speedActivates maximum swimming speedLEFT, LEFT, L1, RIGHT, RIGHT, R2, LEFT, L2, RIGHT
Low gravityActivates low gravity modeLEFT, LEFT, L1, R1, L1, RIGHT, LEFT, L1, LEFT
Explosive punchesSpawns player in the sky, allowing for a skydiveRIGHT, LEFT, X, TRIANGLE, R1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L2
Drunk modeActivates drunk status on characterTRIANGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, SQUARE, CIRCLE, LEFT
Slow-motion aimingPunches now have an explosive effect and will knock back enemies, vehicles, and other objectsSQUARE, L2, R1, TRIANGLE, LEFT, SQUARE, L2, RIGHT, X
SkydiveGrants a full special ability meterL1, L2, R1, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Super jumpActivates super jump. Can be used to jump extremely highLEFT, LEFT, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, SQUARE, R1, R2
Explosive bulletsBullets now have an explosive effectRIGHT, SQUARE, X, LEFT, R1, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1
Incendiary roundsBullets now have an incendiary (fire) effectL1, R1, SQUARE, R1, LEFT, R2, R1, LEFT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L1, L1
Slow-motion gameplayGameplay is now in slow-motionTRIANGLE, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, SQUARE, R2, R1
Change weatherSwitches weather to a different weather cycleR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, SQUARE
Bad driversNPCs will floor the accelerator and crash at high speedsTRIANGLE, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L1
DusterSpawns a duster vehicleRIGHT, LEFT, R1, R1, R1, LEFT, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, X, CIRCLE, L1, L1
Stunt planeSpawns a stunt planeCIRCLE, RIGHT, L1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, L1, LEFT, LEFT, X, TRIANGLE
Buzzard attack helicopterSpawns an attack helicopterCIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, L2, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE
CaddySpawns a Caddy vehicleCIRCLE, L1, LEFT, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, CIRCLE, X
LimoSpawns a Limo vehicleR2, RIGHT, L2, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT
TrashmasterActivates a slow-motion effect when aimingCIRCLE, R1, CIRCLE, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT
CometSpawns a Comet sports carR1, CIRCLE, R2, RIGHT, L1, L2, X, X, SQUARE, R1
Rapid GTSpawns a Rapid GT sports carR2, R2, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT, L1, R1, RIGHT, LEFT, CIRCLE, R2
SanchezSpawns a Sanchez bikeR2, R2, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT, L1, R1, RIGHT, LEFT, CIRCLE, R2

GTA V cheats for PC

GTA 5 cheat codes for PCs function differently from those on other platforms, and you can find detailed instructions on how to enter them below. It’s crucial to use the cheat console to input the provided phrases.

On PC, activating GTA 5 cheat codes is as simple as entering a word. Whether you’re playing on Steam, the Epic Games Store, or the Rockstar Launcher, the following words are what you’ll need to use.

GTA 5 cheatsEffectPC Cheat code
Lower wanted levelResets wanted level to zeroLAWYERUP
Raise wanted levelRaises wanted level by one starFUGITIVE
Full health and armorGrants full health and armorTURTLE
ParachuteGrants a parachute that can be used onceSKYDIVE
Unlock all weapons and ammoGrants all weapons and ammo to the playerTOOLUP
God ModeActivates God ModePAINKILLER
Full special ability meterActivates a slow-motion effect when aimingPOWERUP
Max running speedActivates maximum running speedCATCHME
Max swimming speedActivates maximum swimming speedGOTGILLS
Low gravityActivates low gravity modeFLOATER
Explosive punchesGrants a full special ability meterHOTHANDS
Drunk modeActivates drunk status on characterLIQUOR
Slow-motion aimingActivates a slow motion effect when aimingDEADEYE
SkydivePunches now have an explosive effect and will knock back enemies, vehicles, and other objectsSKYFALL
Super jumpActivates super jump. Can be used to jump extremely highHOPTOIT
Explosive bulletsBullets now have an explosive effectHIGHEX
Incendiary roundsBullets now have an incendiary (fire) effectINCENDIARY
Director ModeAllows you to play as NPCsJRTALENT
Slow-motion gameplayGameplay is now in slow-motionSLOWMO
Change weatherSwitches weather to a different weather cycleMAKEITRAIN
Bad driversNPCs will floor the accelerator and crash at high speedsSNOWDAY
DusterSpawns a duster vehicleFLYSPRAY
Stunt planeSpawns a stunt planeBARNSTORM
DodoSpawns a DodoEXTINCT
Buzzard attack helicopterSpawns an attack helicopterBUZZOFF
KrakenSpawns a Kraken SubmarineBUBBLES
CaddySpawns a Caddy vehicleHOLEIN1
LimoSpawns a Limo vehicleVINEWOOD
TrashmasterSpawns a trashmaster (waste vehicle)TRASHED
CometSpawns a Comet sports carCOMET
Rapid GTSpawns a Rapid GT sports carRAPIDGT
SanchezSpawns a Sanchez bikeOFFROAD

GTA 5 cheat codes for XBox

If you plan to utilize GTA 5 cheat codes on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or Xbox Series S, use the following button combinations to activate GTA 5 cheats.

These GTA 5 cheat codes are compatible with Xbox consoles and operate in the same way as on other platforms. Feel free to try out some of them!

GTA 5 CheatEffectXBox One Cheat Code
Lower wanted levelResets wanted level to zeroRB, RB, B, RT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT
Raise wanted levelRaises wanted level by one starRB, RB, B, RT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Full health and armorGrants full health and armorB, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, RIGHT, X, LB, LB, LB
ParachuteGrants a parachute that can be used onceLEFT, RIGHT, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, LB
Unlock all weapons and ammoGrants all weapons and ammo to the playerY, RT, LEFT, LB, A, RIGHT, Y, DOWN, X, LB, LB, LB
God ModeActivates God ModeRIGHT, A, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RB, RIGHT, LEFT, A, Y
Full special ability meterGrants a full special sbility meterA, A, X, RB, LB, A, RIGHT, LEFT, A
Max running speedActivates maximum running speedY, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LT, LB, X
Max swimming speedActivates maximum swimming speedLEFT, LEFT, LB, RIGHT, RIGHT, RT, LEFT, LT, RIGHT
Low gravityActivates low gravity modeLEFT, LEFT, LB, RB, LB, RIGHT, LEFT, LB, LEFT
Explosive punchesGrants a full special ability meterRIGHT, LEFT, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT
Drunk modeActivates drunk status on characterY, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, X, B, LEFT
Slow-motion aimingSpawns player in the sky, allowing for a skydiveX, LT, RB, Y, LEFT, X, LT, RIGHT, A
SkydivePunches now have an explosive effect and will knock back enemies, vehicles, and other objectsLB, LT, RB, RT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LB, LT, RB, RT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Super jumpActivates super jump. Can be used to jump extremely highLEFT, LEFT, Y, Y, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, X, RB, RT
Explosive bulletsBullets now have an explosive effectRIGHT, X, A, LEFT, RB, RT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LB, LB, LB
Incendiary roundsBullets now have an incendiary (fire) effectLB, RB, X, RB, LEFT, RT, RB, LEFT, X, RIGHT, LB, LB
Slow-motion gameplayGameplay is now in slow-motionY, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, X, RT, RB
Change weatherSwitches weather to a different weather cycleRT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X
Bad driversNPCs will floor the accelerator and crash at high speedsY, RB, RB, LEFT, RB, LB, RT, LB
DusterSpawns a duster vehicleRIGHT, LEFT, RB, RB, RB, LEFT, Y, Y, A, B, LB, LB
Stunt planeSpawns a stunt planeB, RIGHT, LB, LT, LEFT, RB, LB, LB, LEFT, LEFT, A, Y
Buzzard attack helicopterSpawns an attack helicopterB, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y
CaddySpawns a Caddy vehicleB, LB, LEFT, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A
LimoActivates a slow-motion effect when aimingRT, RIGHT, LT, LEFT, LEFT, RB, LB, B, RIGHT
TrashmasterSpawns a trashmaster (waste vehicle)B, RB, B, RB, LEFT, LEFT, RB, LB, B, RIGHT
CometSpawns a Comet sports carRB, B, RT, RIGHT, LB, LT, A, A, X, RB
Rapid GTSpawns a Rapid GT sports carRT, RT, LB, B, RIGHT, LB, RB, RIGHT, LEFT, B, RT
SanchezSpawns a Sanchez bikeB, A, LB, B, B, LB, B, RB, RT, LT, LB, LB

GTA 5 Phone Numbers

Across all platforms, you can opt to activate GTA 5 cheat codes using your in-game phone. This involves opening your phone, navigating to the contacts screen, and then selecting the option to access the keypad.

GTA 5 CheatEffectGrants a full special ability meter
Lower wanted levelResets wanted level to zero1-999-5299-3787
Raise wanted levelRaises wanted level by one star1-999-3844-8483
Full health and armorGrants full health and armor1-999-887-853
ParachuteGrants a parachute that can be used once1-999-759-3483
Unlock all weapons and ammoGrants all weapons and ammo to the player1-999-866-587
God ModeActivates God Mode1-999-7246-545-537
Full special ability meterPunches now have an explosive effect and will knock back enemies, vehicles, and other objects1-999-769-3787
Max running speedActivates maximum running speed1-999-2288-463
Max swimming speedActivates maximum swimming speed1-999-4684-4557
Low gravityActivates low gravity mode1-999-356-2837
Explosive punchesActivates a slow-motion effect when aiming1-999-4684-2637
Drunk modeActivates drunk status on character1-999-547-861
Slow-motion aimingSpawns player in the sky, allowing for a skydive1-999-3323-393
SkydiveSpawns player in sky, allowing for a skydive1-999-759-3255
Super jumpActivates super jump. Can be used to jump extremely high1-999-467-8648
Explosive bulletsBullets now have an explosive effect1-999-444-439
Incendiary roundsBullets now have an incendiary (fire) effect1-999-462-363-4279
Director ModeAllows you to play as NPCs1-999-5782-5368
Slow-motion gameplayGameplay is now in slow-motion1-999-756-966
Change weatherSwitches weather to a different weather cycle1-999-625-348-7246
Bad driversNPCs will floor the accelerator and crash at high speeds1-999-7669-329
DusterSpawns a duster vehicle1-999-3597-7729
Stunt planeSpawns a stunt plane1-999-227-678-676
DodoSpawns a Dodo1-999-398-4628
Buzzard attack helicopterSpawns an attack helicopter1-999-2899-633
KrakenSpawns a Kraken Submarine1-999-282-2537
CaddySpawns a Caddy vehicle1-999-4653-461
LimoSpawns a Limo vehicle1-999-8463-9663
TrashmasterSpawns a trashmaster (waste vehicle)1-999-8727-433
CometSpawns a Comet sports car1-999-266-38
Rapid GTSpawns a Rapid GT sports car1-999-727-4348
SanchezSpawns a Sanchez bike1-999-633-7623
PCJSpawns a PCJ1-999-762-538
BMXSpawns a BMX Bike1-999-226-348

All the GTA 5 cheat codes mentioned above are designed to be user-friendly, offering players a seamless experience with a diverse range of elements. Xbox One players can easily apply these cheats at the start of the game, introducing novel and exciting transformations to their gaming experience.

Note: If Grand Theft Auto 5 fails to recognize the cheat codes or they prove ineffective, it is advisable to restart the game.

Are there GTA 5 cheat codes for money?

No money cheat code exists in GTA 5. The Rockstar developers encourage players to enjoy some cheats for fun, but they haven’t provided a method to obtain a substantial amount of free cash— and that’s not surprising.

This rule applies to both single-player and multiplayer modes; there’s no money cheat available in GTA 5. You’ll need to earn your cash through traditional means. While the game lacks direct money cheats, some of the cheats mentioned in this article might facilitate the process of accumulating wealth, although they won’t instantly boost your bank balance.

Rashmi is the Editor of PhonesWiki. She launched PhonesWiki back in 2018, turning it into a top spot for phone news and updates by 2019. Now, it's your go-to for leaks and solutions to phone problems. Her first phone was a Nokia 6610, but now she relies on an iPhone 14 Pro as daily driver. Rashmi's a tech enthusiast through and through, always tinkering with gadgets and gizmos. When she's not writing, you'll find Rashmi hanging out with her beloved pet, enjoying some quality playtime. Have a tip or just want to say hello? Contact her at


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