There is an update on a Telegram handle dedicated to Xiaomi news for Redmi Note 8 global users still running MIUI 11.0.11. They were expecting MIUI 12 update when a stable rollout had begun in the first week of November. However, many global variants of Redmi Note 8 could not receive. MIUI 12 had got blocked due to a strange issue.
Many similar issues were found on the Mi Community forum as well as on the official Telegram channel. Neither the Redmi Note 8 users received any notification nor they could update Android 10-based MIUI 12 from the MIUI System updater.
Dear user.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that MIUI 12 has released to all users of Redmi Note 8 Global and China but the users using Global are facing the issue with the update. If you are using Global rom, please wait patiently and try to update later. If you are using other roms, it hasn’t released yet, it will release once it is ready by devs. Thanks
On troubleshooting of the issue, it was found that Redmi Note 8 global units running MIUI build were majorly affected. Xiaomi feedback team members on the Mi Community also informed the users regarding the status. While apologizing for the inordinate inconvenience, they wrote that they had taken the OTA issue on priority.
After exactly 13 days since the issue was reported, a Russian Xiaomi-focused group, Xiaomiui Türkçe, on Telegram has shared an update. The issue of MIUI 11.0.11 refusing to get updated to MIUI 12 in the global variants of the Redmi Note 8 is all set for a rollout. It is available under version Redmi Note 8 global variants having version V11.0.11.0.PCOMIXM is now eligible for the update. Though the news has not been posted on the official handle, yet the Russian Telegram channel has always been authentic in its updates.
Announcement to the Redmi Note 8 crying club:
V12.0.2.0.QCOMIXM is ready. So those in V11.0.11.0.PCOMIXM will get FINALLY.
(Message translated from Russian)
Check out the original message here
Although there is an option to download MIUI 12 update manually, yet it is always advisable to wait for the OTA to arrive on the device. Do share with us your experiences as you start receiving notifications!