Battlegrounds Mobile India got an official launch on Friday (June 2) and Indian gamers couldn’t be happier. Krafton, the company behind Battlegrounds Mobile India, launched the game today. The direct download of the game is available for all Android users on Google Play Store. As for the Battlegrounds Mobile India iOS version on the Apple store, there’s still no news to be heard from the executives. But there are obviously rumors.
Game top influencers are saying that there is going to be explosive news on the BGMI iOS version soon. They are speculating that the iOS version launch will coincide with PUBG Mobile 1.5 Global version release date. PUBG Mobile 1.5 release is set to happen either on Thursday, July 8th, or Friday, July 9th. The same details can be fetched from the pre-registration event of the game.
However, some professional gamers like @ClassifiedYT are predicting BGMI iOS release to happen sometime in August.
Battlegrounds Mobile India iOS version has been in the news for a long time. Krafton had announced that the iOS version of the game has been in the making for quite some time and will get a launch very soon. They were already unhappy that they didn’t get a pre-release iOS version, unlike Android users who got to test the game before the official launch.
On 7th August BGMI devs reignited hopes of iOS players. While sharing an image of a question mark above an apple, it said
We thought you missed it earlier. So, just wanted to let you know
It has again led to speculations of the iOS release date getting nearer.
Battlegrounds Mobile India Launch
Battlegrounds Mobile India is the Indian version of PUBG Mobile. Since the PUBG ban, gamers have been excited to finally play the official Indian version of a game that they already love. Battlegrounds Mobile India beta (early access) version got a launch on 17th June and got a great response. It reached 5 million downloads in no time.
Now with the official launch, Battlegrounds Mobile India will see a huge spike in the number of downloads. It wouldn’t be surprising if the game soon becomes the most popular game in India.
In the meantime, Devs have confirmed that they have pushed the dates of temporary closure for data migration from 6th July to 9th July.
Reports are coming that the game has already crossed 50 million downloads which is a huge benchmark for any game. While revealing rewards for 50 million installations, the devs confirmed that “We are preparing for all Indian players to receive rewards regardless of their OS”
The download milestone rewards for Battlegrounds Mobile India are as follows:
- 48 million downloads: 3x Supply Coupon Crate Scrap
- 49 million downloads: 3x Classic Coupon Crate Scrap
- 50 million downloads: Permanent Galaxy Messenger Set
All in all, PUBG Mobile India is looking to have a great time in the Indian gaming market. Now soon Battlegrounds Mobile India iOS version will also get a launch. This news should give iOS users some relief.