Tag: iOS 14.5


Youtube browser Picture In Picture issue hits iOS devices! Here are the 5 Best Ways to fix it 

A large number of users have been reporting the issue of Picture in Picture not loading or working correctly on their iPhone smartphones. Even...

What do you wish Apple to fix in the upcoming iOS 15 update?

The announcement of the iOS 15 Beta for devs has drawn the attention of us writers like moths to a flame. I use a...

iOS 15 Update Release Date 2021: Best Features, Supported Devices & Everything we know so far

With iOS 14.5 coming out sometime this month, Apple fanboys are already speculating what the next version, iOS 15 update will have to offer. The...

iPhone 11 Battery drain issues will be fixed via iOS 14.5 update, confirms Apple

Recently, many iPhone 11 users were experiencing battery drain issues and some performance issues as well. The Cupertino-based company has said that they are...