9 Ways to Hack Someone’s Instagram Account In 2024 Easily


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With the availability of multiple hacking tools at your disposal, hacking an Instagram page or Instagram ID  is no more a tedious task. 

Instagram is one of the most popular and free social media platforms continuing to grow more significant by the day, allowing users to share their pictures and videos with friends or family members. 

Earlier, hacking was considered an illegal task as it provided access to someone else’s property without their permission, and hackers could use the information for undesired purposes. But the scenarios have changed now. There are some valid reasons to hack Instagram accounts, including: 

  • To increase account followers, reel or video views, and likes for other accounts,
  • To verify the underage holder’s account, 
  • To access the account with a forgotten password, 
  • When your phone is damaged, 
  • When you’ve lost your phone, 
  • When you have an app update. 

Every year Facebook organises Meta hacker Cup in August and September to promote problem-solving, algorithm coding, and hacking skills among coders and developers.

It was unbelievable earlier to bypass security barriers or hack Instagram accounts. But now, with the easy and free availability of multiple tools, you can easily hack Instagram pages, Instagram profiles, and even Instagram passwords.

Note: All these safe tools do not support illegal spying or malicious purpose, especially without the targetted person’s consent. These instead help users develop skill sets or increase their Instagram account’s presence.

hack Instagram account

How To Hack Someone’s Instagram Account Without A Password In 2022?

There is an unending number of ways using which hackers hack Instagram accounts. Let us look at some of the most popular and easier methods to hack Instagram accounts. 

The best way to hack an Instagram account in my opinion is PASS DECRYPTOR. This application allows showing the password of an Instagram account in just a few minutes from the email address or phone number or login ID.

9 Ways to Hack Someone’s Instagram Account In 2024 Easily

PASS DECRYPTOR works on every device and can be downloaded from its official website.​

1. By Phishing

This is a greatly underrated mode where users often end up being the victim. In phishing attacks, hackers send you emails from a trusted or verified source or even create a phishing website. 

In the case of Instagram, you can set up a website that is a replica of Instagram. Via email push notifications, it gets easy to dupe. It can take the shape of password reset links or survey-themed fake emails from Instagram. Upon entering your credentials in any page that opens through such links, hackers will immediately hack your Instagram account and take total control of it.

You don’t need to know the basics of programming to hack Instagram accounts through phishing.

2. By Facebook Account Hack

If you’re planning to be a clever hacker, targeting your victim directly through Instagram with phishing links would not be wise. Instead, you must try out different other linked platforms to eliminate any scope for doubt.

With Facebook integrating Instagram, it has become easy for users to open their Instagram accounts via Facebook. A hacker will keep track of the access mechanism being followed, and hacking Facebook accounts makes it easier to spy on Instagram.

3. Guess The Password

The internet hosts social platforms such as Whatsapp and Twitter for all age groups. Most of us often use similar passwords for our accounts on these platforms, which can be easy for hackers to crack. Hackers often resort to brute force attacks through which they can infiltrate your account and do whatever they want.

4. Third-Party Apps To Hack Instagram Account For Free

There are 3rd party apps that facilitate hacking an Instagram account. Some are free, and some are paid. Some apps are untrackable and do not need to be installed on the target’s device. For e.g. the Ighack app. Some apps can even take screengrabs of Instagram activities, chats, photos, and videos. It is advisable to check how much secure an app is before proceeding. Let’s check them out!

Ighack To Hack Instagram Account:

If you wish to hack an Instagram account without a password, then Ighack will help you with easy solutions. One of the best features of this application is that it need not be installed on the target device and is available free of cost on the internet. All you need to do is:

  • Visit ighack.net on your device and for the hack option. 
  • Enter the target Instagram ID or Instagram page and tap next. 
  • The website will now work on the backend to retrieve the password for a similar username from the Instagram database. 
  • Once done, it will provide you with the extracted data. 
  • Moreover, the website will remove all the earlier traces of the activities so that no one can track the same in the future.
  • A few more tools can be checked out on this website. Some of the other most opted tools are: 

For iPhone

  • iKeyguard key logger Hacking Apps
  • ArroApp
  • Get Instagram Hacking App
  • Instagram Password Finder
  • Instagram Account Hacker

For Android

  • Instahack
  • Instaleak
  • FlexiSpy

5. Use A Keylogger As A Malware

Malware can come in many forms. Hackers generally use keyloggers when they try to hack Instagram accounts. This keylogger software can record everything you type on your device and give the hacker access. Thus, this is one of the most dangerous ways hackers hack Instagram accounts, as they can steal your password and gain access to all your personal information. One needs to install the app on the victim’s device to use it. Keylogger app free and paid for Mac/Windows & Android OS.

Hacking Instagram Account Password Through Flexispy: 

Flexispy is one of the keylogger applications that will save extra time hacking Instagram accounts. A hacker must install a keylogger application on the victim’s device to monitor the screen activities. Simple procedures to hack Instagram account password through Flexispy are: 

  • Install the application on the target victim’s phone or device without allowing them to know. 
  • Log in to Flexispy from your device, and you can easily monitor your victim’s screen working on your computer or phone. 

Hacking Instagram Account Password Through Mpsy: 

Mpsy is one of the most used and known spying hacking applications for Instagram ID and Instagram pages. It is unfortunately not available for free, and users need to purchase a desired package for the hacking activities. 

  • Visit the mpsy.com website and select the package you wish to proceed with. 
  • The website will share a confirmation email with your account’s login details. 
  • You can check this software’s demo account to learn its works. 
  • Install it on your device and access the same through the control panel. 
  • Check out and explore these Instagram features to access other users’ accounts. 

Note: Always use a trusted keyboard app for your phone to avoid such privacy leaks.

6. By Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Zero-Day Vulnerability is a type of vulnerability that the software vendor is usually aware of and does not fix. Hackers always remain on the lookout for Zero-Day Vulnerabilities on Instagram. If they succeed in finding it, they can easily hack Instagram accounts and negatively affect the users.

Unlike other weaknesses on Instagram, it is not possible for you to fully protect yourself against Zero-Day Vulnerabilities. You can, however, still protect yourself by updating your Instagram application frequently and always using the latest version.

7. Mobile Operating System Errors

There can be various bugs present within a mobile operating system. That is why every company releases updates and fixes for its mobile OS every now and then. Remaining on an older, outdated version of your mobile OS can make it relatively easy for hackers to hack your Instagram account and other data on your device. Always update your operating system frequently and avoid installing applications from non-trusted sources.

In these ways, hackers who want to steal data can easily hack Instagram accounts without the need for any password or other credentials.

8. Use iKeyMonitor App

To spy on an Instagram account of your kid, an employee, or even a spouse, iKeyMonitor free version can be used. However, the feature is accessible on jailbroken devices. To execute the app on the target’s device, ensure all antivirus software running on the device are disabled. Easy steps to use this software to hack Instagram accounts are:

  • Visit the iKeyMonitor.com website on your device and opt for a free trial option. 
  • The website will show you different device types, Select the one you’re using and sign up to the platform with the asked details. 
  • The software will share a confirmation mail with all the required passwords and ID details. 
  • Login with the provided credentials and install the software on the targeted device to track the working.

9. Use Forgot Password Feature

This method is only for those who have access to someone’s Instagram account and the device but don’t have the password saved. Using the Forgot Password and SMS options, one can log in. It is, therefore, one of the easiest options and hackers can easily get into your profile in this legal way.

How to Hack Instagram Account without Coding in A Few Minutes?

To hack an Instagram account without coding, you need to use z-shadow.info to create a similar phishing page. Some easy steps to create the page are: 

  • Set up your account with z-shadow.info. 
  • Log in with your credentials and be directed to your account homepage. 
  • Scroll down the page and find the Instagram option (Number 35). Select your language preference and copy the provided link. 
  • Paste this link in the new window, and you will have a similar Instagram page on your screen.

What Are Instagram Hacks?

With such an increase in the number of users, the interest of cyberpunks who want to hack Instagram accounts and steal data has also increased.  Every year the increasing number of complaints registered under the Instagram hacked account inquiry section is proof.  

According to the Instagram algorithm, an ID or page with more followers, posts, and engagement is given a boost. Instagram account users can also begin financial or transactional activities from this popularity. Thereby, most of the hackers use your account to increase follower count or engaging activities on other’s Instagram IDs or Instagram pages who pay an extra amount for increased followers and engagement.

You’ll be surprised by the number of celebrities whom hackers targeted and proceeded to hack Instagram accounts and get their access. According to Google researchers, around 15% of Instagram users experienced unauthorised activity on their profiles in 2017, the Instagram hacked count further increased to 20% in 2020 and 25% to 30%.

All these spammers and hackers use these hacked accounts to engage with other profiles and reflect their authenticity or increased popularity. In some cases, the hackers have also publicly demanded ransom money from these Instagram account owners. Such a breach in the security systems of Instagram raises the question- how secure is your Instagram account?

2023 Busted Myths For Instagram Hacks

  • Crack Instagram Followers using a good social media strategy.
  • You cannot Hack Instagram Followers In 2 Minutes! You should organically do it.
  • The most helpful hack is to keep a keen update on Instagram Algorithm.
  • If someone promises you to get 1000 Followers in minutes, you are being scammed.
  • Good organic growth is a sure-shot hack to get blue Tick on Instagram.
  • Increase Instagram Reels views by adding trendy music and transitions.
  • To make Instagram Polls engaging, use natural images.
  • Actively reply to your audience to increase the number of comments on the post.

Note: All these social media platforms continually review their policies and algorithm. Therefore, based on the recent guidelines, Instagram can figure out extra unnecessary or suddenly increased activity on your ID or page and instantly blocks the user. So, if a hacker tries to reach out mass from your account, then the ID will be suspended for a while, and the original owner can only recover it from their email ID or other verification sources.

How To Protect Instagram Account Against Phishing Attacks?

Hackers can easily target you and hack Instagram accounts on your device if you ignore securing it. We recommend you to educate yourself and learn the features of e-mails thoroughly. Also, follow the steps below:

  • Strong Password – To avoid letting hackers hack Instagram accounts like this, make sure to use passwords that contain different combinations of numbers, symbols, spaces, and lowercase and uppercase letters. It is also recommended to use different passwords for all your social media accounts as it massively increases the security of your account. You can always turn back to the good old-fashioned way of writing them down in case you have trouble remembering them!
  • Do not click on links leading to untrusted or not secured websites.
  • Do not download suspicious-looking email attachments. Hackers usually try their best to get your attention, so remain extra cautious.
  • Avoid entering your personal information on sites that you don’t find legitimate.
  • Look out for spelling or typing errors, the most common determinants of a fake email.
  • Check for the URL and its spelling. It should match Instagram.
  • Set up 2-step verification for your account.


1. What are Instagram hacking tools?

Instagram hacking tools are the third-party application or software that enter your target device’s Instagram account and track activity or password for the hackers. 

2. How to hack deleted Instagram messages?

Instagram messages, once deleted, cannot be recovered. However, third-party tools like Instarecovery, DMDE, Recuva, or Diskdrill can further help you recover the texts. 

3. Which is the easiest way to hack Instagram?

There are multiple options to hack Instagram ID and Instagram page, including social engineering, cracking passwords, third-party tools, and other software. But, all these software have limitations, which cannot help hackers fulfill malicious requirements.

4. Whom do I report for the hacked Instagram Account?

If you find any unauthorized activity with your ID, report it to phish@instagram.com

5. How to recover hacked Instagram account in 2022?

To recover your hacked Instagram account, you must complete the verification steps through photos or other details like email address, contact number, device type, etc. 

6. In how many days can I recover my hacked Instagram account?

Passing the review and recovering your hacked Instagram account usually takes two to three business days. 

7. What are the signs of Instagram’s hacked accounts?

Sudden activity from your Instagram ID, frequent password change, and changed email are some potential signs of a hacked Instagram account. 

8. How to report a hacked Instagram account?

If you ever discover that your Instagram account has been hacked, or hacked, report it to the Instagram Support Desk immediately. Before reporting the hack to Instagram, make sure to include all the following details so that the Support Team can act better:
– Your Instagram username and previous username handles
– Your original e-mail address or mobile phone number is associated with the account.
– Date and time of when you lost access to the hacked account
– Devices that you have given access to log in to your Instagram account
– Last device where you were logged in
You can use the “Report” option by tapping on the three dots icon in the upper-right corner of the profile you want to report. The Instagram Support Team might ask you for additional information, like video selfies to verify your identity.

9. How do Instagram accounts get hacked?

Hackers can easily hack Instagram accounts using infinite ways. Some of them include a forgotten password hack, coding, phishing, CheatDroid, and various third-party applications. You can read about such hidden apps on Android and iOS here.

10. Can my Instagram account be hacked without me knowing?

The fastest and easiest way to know if your Instagram account has been hacked is by directly checking your account’s login activity. If there are any entries of suspicious-looking logins that you actively don’t recognize, chances are someone has hacked your Instagram account.
To do this, go to Settings > Security > Login Activity.

11. How do you hack Instagram followers?

Many phishing sites are dedicated to increasing your followers on Instagram. However, they are mostly a cover to bait you into entering your account credentials with the hope of getting new followers but getting robbed of your data.

Share with us your experiences when you had to hack someone’s Instagram account out of compulsion.

David P
David P
A content writer.


  1. Plz send my Instagram hack the parsun cheng my gmail address and phone number but my Instagram data full chenge de plz back of my Instagram


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