Recently, Urnyx05 launched the latest version of Google Camera 7.3, and it comes with the options to record videos in 4K resolution at 24, 30, and 60 FPS. So, let us discuss what else the new update offers in terms of features and performance.
The changelog mentions that the developers have managed to fix a bug from the earlier version, where the buttons for the auxiliary camera remained on the screen even after disabling the main switch. Additionally, we got a new option to record videos in 4K resolution with variable frame rates. The developers also fixed some issues faced on various popular smartphones, such as Mi9 from Xiaomi, OnePlus 8 Pro, and some Samsung phones.
Now, if you want to use the latest version of Google Camera, you need to get rid of the previous version (if you have it) manually. For this, you need to force stop the Google Camera, then clear the cache followed by the uninstallation process. Once you have removed the previous version of Google Camera, use the APK file from the link provided above to install the latest version.
One the first launch, the app would ask for permissions, grant it the necessary privileges, and you are all set to record videos in 4K resolution. To do so, open the settings menu and access the video settings sub-menu by scrolling down. You will find the 4K resolution option there, turn it on. Now, you can shoot videos in 4K resolution. To change the frame-rate of your videos, go to the camera screen and select the option to shoot videos. You will see a settings option on the top section of the screen. Open it, and you will see the options to change the frame-rate to 24, 30, or 60 FPS.