The Motorola Moto One 5G Ace, which became available in January 2021, is a mid-range gadget driven by Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G 5G and running Android 10 out of the box. Having said that, Motorola confirmed in a blog article that the smartphone would be upgraded to Android 12, with the build set to arrive in February 2022. Looking at some of the variations available in the United States, such as T-Mobile and AT&T, we can see that the smartphones last received Android 10 security patches on August 5 and May 25, respectively, according to their respective software update sites.
However, it is worth noting that the Motorola Moto One 5G Ace only received the Android 11 upgrade in select countries, including Canada, but the Verizon variant in the United States was shipped with Android 11 pre-installed. Owners of the Moto One 5G Ace are now asking if and when their handsets will be updated to Android 11, which was launched in September of last year.
Google has already launched Android 13 for programmers, although Motorola remains on Android 11. The corporation is failed to deliver the two-year-old Android operating system for several of its gadgets.
Motorola Moto One 5G Ace Android 12 Update
According to the official Motorola software update website, the phone is slated to receive Android 12 and is presently awaiting partner clearance. Owners are disappointed since Motorola has not offered a timetable for the availability of Android 11 for the phone in additional territories. We expect the smartphone maker throws some insight into the situation and informs Moto 5G Ace owners who are still on Android 10 when they will be upgraded to Android 11.
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According to a Motorola community forum moderator, the Android 11 upgrade for the Moto One 5G Ace has been delayed owing to difficulties detected with multiple carriers. Furthermore, he stated that the team is trying to resolve such difficulties and would offer an update as soon as feasible.
They did not, however, offer an ETA for when the update will be ready. Moto US stated that they are keeping their partners awaiting permission and that the Moto One 5G Ace would receive both the Android 11 and Android 12 updates, but no timeline has been provided.
Motorola customers may also consult the official update tracker for the current update progress of their device.
Meanwhile, the Moto One 5G Ace is still waiting for an Android 11 upgrade, and the OEM has promised an Android 12 release without providing a schedule. Users may only wait for these upgrades to become available. Even though the Moto One 5G Ace is still locked on Android 10, consumers may check out a custom ROM to get a taste of the Android 11 OS.
Motorola has begun to provide the Android 11 upgrade to Moto One 5G Ace owners in the United States. Furthermore, it is available on Xfinity-locked units. We hope that this Android 12 update rollout happens to all Motorola Mote One 5G Ace users globally soon.
Update as of 03/10 – Verizon locked Motorola One 5G UW Ace receiving Android 12 update
In a February response to the question of whether Motorola One 5G UW Ace will receive an Android 12 update, the company has backtracked. This has shocked the users and expectedly brought about shocking reactions.
Fortunately, we have good news for Verizon locked Motorola One 5G UW Ace devices. The units have started receiving the Android 12 update from 03/03 with January 2023 security patch.
However, the company has not issued a formal statement on its plans to roll out the update for non Verizon locked units. This has left users fuming.
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In the meantime let us revisit which Moto devices are eligible for the Android 12 update
- Moto razr 5G,
- Moto razr 2020,
- Moto edge 20 pro/Moto edge 20/Moto edge 20 lite,
- Moto 20 fusion,
- Moto edge (2021)/edge 5G/edge plus,
- Moto one 5G ace,
- Moto g200 5G,
- Moto g71 5G,
- Moto g51 5G,
- Moto g41,
- Moto g31,
- Moto g100,
- Moto g60s,
- Moto g60,
- Moto g50,
- Moto g40 fusion,
- Moto g30,
- Moto g power (2022),
- Moto g pure,
- Moto g stylus 5G
Share with us in whichever part of the world you are whether you have received the update on your device or not.
I’m in the US in T-Mobile and I got the upgrade to Android 11 about a week ago. So far so good, no major issues. Still want Android 12 though!