PDF is one of the mandatory formats for documentation, but to do more than just read, we need special software. In this piece, we want to tell you about a very interesting product: Wondershare PDFelement. PDFelement is a very simple tool, helping you pour your creativity into any PDF document.
The PDF format (Portable Document Format), originally created by Adobe to allow text and images to be represented in a file regardless of the type of hardware and software used to manage it, has now conquered the first place as the most used format in the exchange of documents.
The format is one of the two most popular document formats today. The other format is of course Word. But unlike Word, this format looks more elegant. Not only is it elegant, but the PDF format also doesn’t “take up too much data.” That’s the reason why almost all ebooks are built-in PDFdrive.
However, this format has a glaring drawback. This is hard to edit. You can’t delete text right away as you normally would with a Word document. You need specific software for that, which is why in this article you are introduced to PDFelement.
PDFelement is a PDF editing tool made by Wondershare. To note, Wondershare is a company that creates well-known editing software, and in recent years, this company seems to dominate the global software industry, especially when it comes to data recovery.
Professionals and companies might be interested in this tool for the transparent management of PDF documents and forms. For us, PDFelement is truly a revolution in how people should treat their PDF documents. The tool is so simple, that even any editing experience is not essential. Why? Its very simple interface allows every user to easily access the features provided. There’s no doubt about that.
Editing and converting PDF documents are incredibly simple thanks to PDFelement
Editing via PDFelement is possible thanks to an editor with a graphic interface very similar to the office software already mentioned, therefore simple and intuitive. You can change and resize texts, add images, and set up a different layout simply using the mouse and keyboard. Furthermore, if you need other more advanced features, it is also possible to export a PDF file in one of the many formats of the office suite (such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint) allowing you to manage tables, for example. With PDFelement, you can convert PDF format to other ones in two directions. There’s no doubt about that.
There is one striking thing that distinguishes this software from other similar software. PDFelement can create PDF forms that allow any user to communicate (collaborate) with others “on the same document.” For most people who have used this tool, PDFelement is a PDF editing tool that seems to be geared more towards collaborative work.
More special features by PDFelement
However, the one just described is, so to speak, only the tip of the iceberg. PDFelement has more features than similar tools. You can create PDF forms and make them easy to edit by anyone. There are many things you can add; text boxes, important buttons, and much more. With PDFelement, creating user-friendly PDF forms is possible.
Digital signature
With PDFelement, digitally signing PDF documents is not difficult. By embedding a digital signature, you can make your PDF documents look more formal and professional. This will be especially useful if you frequently send business proposals in PDF form. The digital signature can be set according to the basic information you add. Not only digital signatures, but you can also take advantage of the so-called “Customized Stamp.”
Security and privacy
With PDFelement, your security and privacy will be well maintained. You can hide some sensitive parts of your document so that it gives you a sense of security and comfort when you have to collaborate on the document. You can also set passwords on certain documents, making sure they can’t be accessed by just anyone.
Only certain people can access your sensitive documents. And finally, you can digitally sign your PDF documents, thereby making them look more elegant and official. This digital signature feature is very useful, especially if you are submitting a collaboration proposal in PDF format. You don’t want to leave a bad impression on your potential clients!
It should be noted that PDFelement is a PDF editing tool that has been equipped with an OCR feature, which stands for Optical Character Recognition. This means that PDFelement is capable of converting any paper document to a PDF document. If you are forced to deal with foreign documents then don’t worry as this PDF editing tool is capable of recognizing no less than 25 languages. You are now free to edit documents in other languages!
Is it worth it?
From the explanations above we can conclude that this is a simple PDF editing tool, and behind its simplicity, there are many great features that make anyone can become a great PDF editor. With PDFelement, creating PDF forms and making them easy to edit is as easy as a few clicks.
There is even a security feature that is rarely found in other similar software, namely the password feature. You can set a password on certain PDF documents that you deem sensitive so that not everyone can access them.
In our opinion, this is clearly a more attractive alternative to Adobe Acrobat DC. Besides the license fee being much cheaper, it also has relatively balanced features. As a final piece of information for you, PDFelement has been widely used by large companies, indicating that this product is really reliable.
So… will you be one of those satisfied after using PDFelement? Or are you just going to be a spectator and “stay true” to the problems with your PDF documents? Of course, we hope you will do the first. But whatever your next move, we thank you for reading this article.
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