Most Popular Gaming Slang Insults Dictionary For A N00b Explained


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If you are new to the world of internet gaming and still unfamiliar with the Gaming Slang Insults used by other players, then you will be considered an “N00b”. In case you were playing an online game recently and saw terms like “gg” and didn’t know it stood for “good game,” then you will find this guide on gaming lingo very useful.

Gaming Slang Insults Urban Dictionary

In multiplayer games like World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Dota 2, Call of Duty communication in the form of cryptic messages with players in the circuit plays a crucial role. Every second is invaluable. We have compiled top gaming slang insults used in online gaming.

So, before further ado, let us dive into the glossary for video gamers who do not want to be called N00bs and want to communicate faster. As they say, “Time is mana


Love it or hate it, you might have experienced grinding in a game. People use Grinding as a term to define the repetitive actions performed in a game to earn a reward. Take the example of a highly expensive car in Gran Turismo. You need to play the same races over and over again to accumulate the money so you can buy that car.


It means Away from Keyboard. It means you are not playing for some time.

Easter Eggs

This term is used to describe some elements of the game that are not vital yet hold a special value. It is also a common feature in Pixar movies where you can find A113 written at places. A113 is the name of the classroom, where most of the Pixar employees studied.


For online gamers, a troll is a person whose main motive is to act in a way to offend other players. It is a very popular gaming slang insult spread into social media dictionaries as well.


It is gaming slang for a newbie and is used to describe a person who is new to the game or doesn’t know how to play.


A camper is a person who hides in a corner to get easy kills by surprising others. Most people don’t like this practice as it involves no tactics. People hate campers, especially in fast-paced games like Overwatch.


“Camping” is a common gaming term used to describe the tactic where a player remains stationary in a strategic or advantageous position on the game map, often with the goal of ambushing or picking off other players as they approach. This tactic is often associated with first-person shooters and can be both an effective strategy and a source of frustration for other players, depending on the context and rules of the game.


It is the short form of resurrection. You will hear this term frequently in PUBG while reviving a fallen teammate; you are “Rezzing” them.

PC- Asuspopular gamerslang


The term describes the act of collecting supplies needed in the game.


It is the act of spectating another player to learn their tricks to beat them.


When the game developer thinks a particular item/character in the game is too good from a balancing perspective, they reduce its efficiency. This is termed nerfing.


Buff is the opposite of what a nerf is. It basically means increasing the base statistics of a character or an ability. In a MOBA game, a buff refers to a jungle monster that gives you special additional stats, giving you an edge over the enemy who doesn’t have one.


In gaming slang, the term “toxic” is often used to describe a player who displays rude, obnoxious, or disruptive behavior towards their teammates or opponents. These toxic players can make the gaming experience less enjoyable by insulting, harassing, or otherwise irritating others. Toxic behavior can take various forms, such as excessive trash-talking, team-killing, spamming the chat with negative comments, or generally creating a hostile gaming environment. Game developers and communities often work to combat toxic behavior to create a more positive and enjoyable gaming atmosphere.

Rage Quit

“Ragequit” is a gaming slang term used to describe the act of a player abruptly leaving an ongoing game, often in the middle of a match, due to intense frustration or anger, typically because they are losing or encountering a particularly challenging situation. This term is derived from the combination of “rage” (intense anger) and “quit” (to leave or exit). It’s not uncommon to see videos of frustrated gamers expressing their anger by smashing equipment, although this behavior is generally discouraged, as it can be costly and is considered unsportsmanlike. Players who ragequit can disrupt the gaming experience for others and may face penalties or consequences in certain online gaming communities.


“Time to kill” (often abbreviated as TTK) is a gaming slang insults term that refers to the average amount of time it takes for a player to eliminate an enemy player in a gunfight or combat situation within a game. It’s an important gameplay metric, especially in first-person and third-person shooters, as it can impact the pace and balance of the game. Games with a shorter time to kill tend to be more fast-paced, while games with a longer time to kill may require more strategic and precise aiming. Players often consider TTK when choosing weapons, loadouts, and strategies to optimize their chances of success in a given game.


“Poggers” is a gaming slang insults term that is often used on the live streaming platform Twitch. It’s derived from the “PogChamp” emote, which features a surprised and excited face. “Poggers” is used to express excitement, amazement, or joy in response to something impressive or noteworthy happening in a game or during a stream. It has become a popular and widely recognized term in the gaming and streaming communities, and it’s often used in chat by viewers to show enthusiasm or appreciation for the content they are watching.


“Instalock” is a gaming slang term used to describe the practice of quickly selecting or “locking in” a character, hero, or champion in the character selection screen of a multiplayer game, often before other players have a chance to choose. This can be a source of frustration for other players, especially in games where team composition and strategy are important, as it can limit their options and disrupt the overall balance of the team. Instalocking is often associated with a desire to play a specific character, and it can lead to conflicts and disagreements within the gaming community.


In multiplayer games, when your character or vehicle is continuously springing here and there due to lag, the term Rubberbanding, one of the Gaming Slang Insults is used to define the scenario.

No Scope

In games, players use sniper rifles to place well-aimed shots. To get the best result, you need to use their in-built optics to shoot properly. If you kill someone without looking through the scope, it is termed as no scoping.


“Clutch” is a gaming slang term used to describe a situation where a player, often outnumbered or in a disadvantageous position, manages to defeat the opposing players one by one and secure a victory for their team or themselves. It typically involves a player demonstrating exceptional skill, strategy, and composure under pressure to turn the tide of a round or match. Clutch plays are often celebrated in gaming communities as they showcase a player’s ability to perform well in difficult circumstances.


A person who uses an exploit or a modified version of the game to gain an unfair advantage over the others. 


It is a type of hack where you automatically aim at the opponents, usually on their heads. You should not confuse it with aim-assist on consoles.


In games such as Counter-Strike, you have an option to play against computer-controlled opponents. These opponents are called bots.


“Ganking” is a gaming slang term often used in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). It refers to the act of multiple players, typically from the same team or faction, working together to gang up on and eliminate one or more players, often from an opposing faction or group. Ganking is usually an unbalanced and unfair encounter, as the outnumbered players or players may have little chance to defend themselves. This term is often associated with surprise attacks or ambushes and is considered unsportsmanlike in many gaming communities when it involves low-level or defenseless players.


While playing an online game, your computer sends and receives information to the server you are connected to. Ping is the time it takes data to make a round trip between your computer and server. We measure ping in milliseconds. A high ping of say, 300 would lead to problems like rubberbanding.


Frames per Second is the number of times the computer is updating the things shown on the screen. A game that runs at low FPS gives a bad experience and at times could be unplayable. Most gamers look for 60 FPS while others are content with just 30 whereas some might want as high as 120 FPS.


“Feeding” in gaming typically refers to a player repeatedly getting killed or defeated by the opposing team, which can lead to the opposing team gaining an advantage, such as experience or resources. It’s not limited to just one player; it can apply to anyone who consistently contributes to the opposing team’s success by dying frequently. Feeding can hinder your team’s chances of winning, so strategies such as sticking with teammates, improving positioning, and adjusting tactics are indeed essential to avoid feeding and improve your overall performance in a game. This term is often used in team-based multiplayer games like MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas) and team shooters.


“Cheesing” in gaming slang is a term used to describe a strategy where players exploit mechanics, bugs, or specific tactics that require minimal skill or knowledge to defeat an enemy or complete a challenging part of a game. It often involves finding a loophole or using a repetitive and often unintended approach to overcome obstacles. This can include exploiting bugs, using overpowered items, or performing a set of moves that trivialize a boss fight or other difficult in-game challenges. While cheesing can be an effective way to progress in a game, some players consider it unsportsmanlike or unsatisfying, as it doesn’t showcase the player’s true skill or knowledge of the game.

Stream Sniper

A stream sniper is someone who is actively watching a video game streamer and follows the streamer by looking at his stream. They often make the game unplayable for the streamer since they are actively tracking their every move. Some stream snipers do it just for fun or to make an appearance in the stream.


“Cooldown” is a common gaming term used to describe the minimum time delay that a player must wait before they can use a specific ability, skill, or item again in the game. It represents the period during which that ability or item recharges and becomes available for use once more. Cooldowns are a fundamental game mechanic in many video games, and they are used to balance and control the use of powerful abilities, ensuring that players cannot spam them continuously. Players often need to strategize and time their actions based on these cooldown periods to maximize their effectiveness in the game.

Bunny Hopping

Bunny hopping is a term made popular by Counter-Strike players. It refers to the act of moving around while jumping at the same time. This allows players to avoid any incoming damage by making unexpected movements.


While FPP refers to the First-person perspective, TPP refers to the Third-person perspective. If you are playing an FPP game, you cannot look at your character model, while TPP allows you to view your character model.

Most Popular Gaming Slang Insults Dictionary For A N00b Explained
SMURF means – Experienced gamer posing as a newbie


A Smurf account is something a player might do to play with lower-ranked players. Players tend to play on Smurf just for fun or to try new strategies without having to worry about the stats in their existing accounts.


K/D, short for Kill/Death ratio, is a common statistic in many multiplayer online games, particularly in first-person shooters. It represents the ratio of a player’s kills to their deaths. A high K/D ratio indicates that a player has more kills than deaths, which is often seen as a measure of their skill and effectiveness in the game. Players with a positive K/D ratio have, on average, eliminated more opponents than they’ve been eliminated themselves, whereas a K/D ratio of 1:1 means a player has an equal number of kills and deaths. Monitoring and improving one’s K/D ratio is a common goal for competitive gamers.


“Throwing” in gaming typically refers to a situation where a teammate intentionally plays poorly or behaves in a way that harms the team’s chances of winning. This could involve making decisions that seem counterproductive, not contributing to the team’s efforts, or actively trying to get killed by enemies. Throwing can occur for various reasons, including frustration with teammates, a desire for the match to end quickly (often leading to a surrender vote), or disagreements within the team.

Throwing is generally considered unsportsmanlike behavior and can be detrimental to the gaming experience for all players involved. Many gaming communities and game developers take measures to discourage or penalize throwing to maintain a fair and enjoyable competitive environment.

Meat Shield

A meat shield is usually a character in a game who has high hit points and can soak a lot of damage. Meat shields are usually tanky characters who can provide assistance to their team by giving them a vision or engaging in fights.


A classic term as Gaming Slang Insults used by gamers, Pwn refers to the act of owning a round or a game. It is usually used when players totally dominate a game and win it.


Often used as an abbreviation for Non-Playable Characters, an NPC is someone controlled by the video game itself and cannot be played by a real player.


PvP refers to a video game that focuses on Player vs Player, while PvE means Player vs Environment.


GGWP stands for Good Game Well Played with gamers often using it when someone plays well.


Abbreviation for Downloadable Content usually refers to separately released content for a video game that can be bought as an add-on. A DLC often contains a wide variety of content ranging from vehicles, weapons to entire expanded storylines and missions.


A glitch usually refers to a bug in the game. It can either be funny for some players but might cause frustration for others.


The term “Gacha” in gaming is derived from real-life gachapon or gashapon vending machines found in many Asian countries, particularly in Japan. In the gaming context, “Gacha” refers to a game mechanic where players can spend in-game currency or real money to draw from a pool of items, characters, or other game assets, often with varying rarity levels. It’s similar to a virtual capsule-toy vending machine, where you have a chance to get different items, including exclusive weapons, characters, or other collectibles.

The rarity of the items and the probabilities of obtaining them can vary, and it’s a popular mechanic in many mobile and free-to-play games. Players are often drawn to Gacha systems to acquire powerful or unique in-game assets, but it’s also associated with microtransactions and the potential for spending real money to improve your chances of getting desirable items.


G2G or GTG stands for Got to go. It usually means the player is going to go to some other work and leave the game in between.


In gaming, “meta” (short for “metagame”) refers to the current prevailing strategies, character choices, team compositions, or game mechanics that are considered the most effective or popular within a particular game at a given time. The meta can evolve and change as the game is updated or as players discover new strategies.

Being “meta” means that you’re using the strategies, characters, or tactics that are currently considered the most advantageous for success in the game. Players often analyze and adapt to the meta to gain a competitive edge and improve their chances of winning. However, it’s important to note that the meta can shift over time as the game’s balance changes or as players develop new tactics, so staying up to date with the meta is an important aspect of competitive gaming.


Kill steal, often known as KS, is the art of stealing someone else’s kill.


AOE means Area of Effect and often refers to an ability or weapon that can deal damage over a wide range of areas, such as a Rocket Launcher or a Grenade.


Short for “experience points,” which are often earned in games to level up or improve characters.


Jebaiting means baiting an enemy to your team or letting them chase you so you can kill them.

Bullet sponge

A term used to describe enemies or characters that can absorb a lot of damage without going down easily.


“Triple-A” or “AAA game,” is used to describe games that are developed and published by well-established and well-funded game development studios or publishers. These games typically have higher budgets, more extensive development teams, and significant marketing efforts. The term “AAA” doesn’t have a specific abbreviation; it’s just a classification for games of a certain quality and production scale.


“AoE” stands for “Area of Effect,” and it is a term used in gaming to describe the range or area that an ability, attack, or effect can cover within the game. Abilities with AoE damage affect multiple targets or an area within the game world, as opposed to single-target abilities. The size and duration of the area can vary depending on the game and the specific abilities being used.

More Online Gaming Slang Insults

  • Aggro: Gamers use this term to describe an instance where a monster is focusing on you and not the other players.
  • DPS: DPS or Damage Per Second is the damage that a character inflicts on its enemy while attacking.
  • FoV: FoV or the Field of View is the area that you can see on your computer screen. A higher FoV allows you to get a better view of the playing field. However, if you set the FoV too high, the scene would appear distorted.
  • KD Ratio: KD Ratio is an important part of games like PUBG and Call of Duty. It is a ratio between the number of enemies you killed and the number of times you died in the game. A high KD ratio shows your proficiency with the game.
  • QTE: Quick Time Events are sequences where you need to press certain buttons, that appear on the screen, to pass through the sequence. They are common in games such as God of War.
  • Griefer: We use griefer as a term to describe a player whose sole purpose is to irritate other players in a multiplayer game. 
  • Loot: Loot is the reward that you get after defeating monsters, enemy players, or loot chests. The difficulty faced in getting the loot is directly proportional to the value of the reward.
  • HP: Hit Points or HP denotes the amount of damage your character could take before it is defeated. It is advised that you try to reduce the enemy’s HP to zero while keeping your HP above zero.
  • CB/OB: CB/OB means “Closed Beta” and “Open Beta.” These terms are used to describe games that are under development, but the developers have allowed players to test the features of the game.
  • 4X: 4X stands for eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. The term is used to describe games like Civilizations Series. 
  • HUD: HUD or Heads Up Display is the part of the screen that shows vital information related to the game, such as hitpoints, ammo, objectives, etc.

There are hundreds of such gaming slang insults, and it won’t be possible to list them all. Still, these few important Gaming Slangs would help you immensely in understanding what others are trying to say when you play online the next time.

Parth Singh
Parth Singh
I have been writing content for websites since 2018, and on Phoneswiki, I am your source for the latest news, leaks, and rumors about the latest games, gadgets, and other similar products.


  1. LOL, had no idea ‘noob’ had such a rich history! As a casual gamer myself, I’m definitely going to start using these insults in my next game 😂👍🏼 #GamingSlang #Insults #GetStarted


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