The popular Netflix series “Sex Education” has received a manga adaptation, with John Tarachine as the illustrator for this new project. The Sex Education manga adaptation is being published under Kadokawa’s Global Comic label.
John Tarachine, known for his work on the 2020 manga “Umi ga Hashiru End Roll,” is taking on the task of bringing “Sex Education” to life in manga form. Fans eager to dive into this Sex Education manga adaptation can already read the first chapter, which is available on Kadokawa’s Comic Bridge website.
“Sex Education” has garnered acclaim for its inclusive cast, thought-provoking storytelling, and its willingness to tackle various societal issues and the challenges of adolescence. As the fourth season approaches, the series is expanding its universe through this manga adaptation, offering fans a fresh perspective on the world of Moordale Secondary School. The debut chapter of the “Sex Education” manga series was released on July 15th, 2022, and can be read on Kadokawa’s Comic Bridge website.
About Sex Education manga adaptation
In July 2022, the Sex Education manga adaptation was officially announced, creating a buzz among fans in Japan. The news generated excitement among both followers of the original TV series and manga enthusiasts.
The manga adaptation swiftly gained significant popularity, particularly among female readers. This surge in interest could be attributed to the series’ original appeal and the allure of experiencing its content in manga form.
The manga adaptation is published by Kadokawa, a highly regarded Japanese publishing company, under its Global Comic label. Kadokawa has a rich history of producing and distributing diverse manga and literary works.
To provide easy access to readers, the manga is hosted on the Comic Bridge online magazine platform. This digital medium ensures that fans can conveniently access the manga from various devices, promoting accessibility and broad readership.
John Tarachine, the talented writer and illustrator of the manga adaptation, holds a crucial role in transforming “Sex Education” into manga format. His previous works, including “Witch of Thistle Castle” and “Umi ga Hashiru End Roll,” have established him as a seasoned and accomplished manga artist.
Tarachine’s involvement in the project brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the adaptation, ensuring that it effectively captures the essence and appeal of the original TV series.
How many volumes of Sex Education Manga have been released?
The manga adaptation of “Sex Education” has seen the release of three volumes within the domestic market. These volumes encompass the events portrayed in the first three episodes of the TV series’ first season.
This approach allows manga readers to revisit and explore the early moments of the series from a fresh perspective, offering a unique take on the familiar narrative.
In summary, the Sex Education manga adaptation has become a noteworthy topic since its official announcement in July 2022. Published by Kadokawa’s Global Comic label and accessible through the Comic Bridge online magazine, the adaptation is the creative work of John Tarachine, a respected manga artist. With the release of three volumes, readers can enjoy a new interpretation of the series, focusing on the events of the initial episodes of the TV show. This adaptation serves as a bridge between fans of the TV series and manga enthusiasts, expanding the reach of “Sex Education” to a broader and diverse audience.
Is there a Sex Education Manga English translation?
Unfortunately, as of the latest update, the “Sex Education” manga series has not been officially translated into English. Furthermore, there hasn’t been a new volume released since December 2022, and the official online portal has designated the release date for the next installment as “Undecided,” leaving fans in suspense about when they can expect new content.
The decision to adapt “Sex Education” into a manga format was an unexpected and rather unusual one, catching many fans by surprise. Some enthusiasts have questioned this choice, with one fan expressing curiosity about why the story was adapted as a manga, suggesting that it might have been better suited for a Western graphic novel.
Nevertheless, one positive aspect is that fans can access each of the published manga volumes for free. This offers “Sex Education” fans a unique opportunity to see how their favorite characters are portrayed in a 2D medium, even though English translations are currently unavailable.
The original “Sex Education” TV series is well-known for its coming-of-age narrative and its humorous exploration of the topic of sex education. While the fourth season of the show is considered the series finale, there is still the possibility of spin-offs, sequels, or prequels emerging in the future.
In an interview with Netflix Tudum, the creator and showrunner, Laurie Nunn, mentioned that the Sex Education season 4 marks “the end as we know it.” However, she also hinted that there is potential for more stories to be told within the world of Moordale in the future. So, while Sex Education season 4 is currently available for streaming on Netflix, the franchise may continue to expand with new tales down the line.