iPhone Photo Edit Hack Complete Guide 2022

iPhone Photo Edit Hack’ in easy steps.  We have provided a step-by-step guide

Step: 1 

Open up Edit leading to your image settings

Step: 2 

Set Exposure and brilliance to 100

Step: 3 

Highlights are to be kept at - 35

Step: 4 

Shadows darkened to - 28

Step: 5

Highlights are to be kept at - 35

Step: 6

Shadows darkened to - 28

Step: 7

Black point denser by 10

Step: 8

Saturation increased to 10

Step: 9

Vibrance clamoring attention at 8

Step: 10

Warmth simmering at 10

Step: 11

The tint of your metaphorical rose-tinted glasses to 39

Step: 12

Sharpness pricked to 14

Step: 13

vignette coloring the scene at 23

Final Step

Now set brilliance and exposure to 0

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